It’s easy for a qualified insurance advisor to get a contract with Canada Protection Plan.
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How do I contract with Canada Protection Plan?
It’s easy for a qualified insurance advisor to get a contract with Canada Protection Plan. You can apply for a contract through a Managing General Agency (MGA) or directly with Canada Protection Plan
Apply for your contract with Canada Protection Plan through your MGA or call our Contracting & Licensing Department directly depending upon your situation.
Once the Application for Contract document has been completed with your first piece of business, you can send it through your MGA for review or directly to Canada Protection Plan by Canada Post, ICS Courier or e-mail (scanned PDF is accepted). Please note that in order to settle a client policy, the original copy of the client application is a requirement.
Your application will be reviewed by Canada Protection Plan for suitability and completeness, as required by law. A current copy of your Errors & Omissions Certificate and Life License(s) must be attached with your contract. Once your contract is approved, you will then be registered on our Wealthserv database system where you will be given access to your client accounts and posted commissions. Your commission statements can also be generated through this site.

Managing General Agency (MGA)
If you put your insurance business through an MGA and your MGA has a contract with Canada Protection Plan, then you should apply for a contract through your MGA.
If you contract through an MGA, the MGA will act as your first point of contact should you have any questions regarding Canada Protection Plan and/or our non-medical products. They can provide you with all the necessary forms and marketing material that you need, including training on our products and methodology.

How to contract
Canada Protection Plan
If your MGA does not have a contract with Canada Protection Plan or you work as an independent contractor, you have the option to contract with Canada Protection Plan directly.
If you obtain a direct contract with Canada Protection Plan, you have the option to receive training on our products and methodology at one of our in-house Lunch & Learn seminars located at our Head Office or through our Regional Sales Directors located near you! Marketing material and forms can be found through our website or you can call our Contracting & Licensing Department at 1-(877) 796-9090 for further information.