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Foresters Member Benefits

Foresters member benefits are, subject to the rules laid out below, included automatically in Canada Protection Plan products. Foresters member benefits are non-contractual, subject to benefit specific eligibility requirements, definitions and limitations and may be changed or cancelled without notice.
To become a Foresters member, your client can apply as part of the purchase of a life insurance product underwritten by The Independent Order of Foresters, which is a fraternal benefit society. Members enjoy unique member benefits1 including competitive academic scholarships, financial counseling and discounted legal services as well as opportunities to give back through volunteering opportunities.
Unique Benefits For Everyday Families
Your client becomes part of a member-based life insurance organization that enhances the lives of our members, their families and the communities where they live.
This online document preparation service helps create customizable wills, powers of attorney and healthcare directives. Download and personalize this form & send to your clients.
Not available in Quebec, the Territories and Nunavut.
Competitive Scholarship Program
Foresters Financial™ is proud to contribute to the success that education can bring to individuals, families and communities. Member families can apply for tuition scholarships to help with the rising cost of post-secondary education. Learn more
Foresters CareTM
A one-time grant that will provide up to $200 per year to help members quickly respond to urgent needs in their community.
Orphan Scholarships
This benefit provides the children of deceased members with a renewable higher learning scholarship of up to $6,000 per year for up to four years. 2
Orphan Benefit
This monthly payment of up to $900 per month per child may help you provide for your children in the event of the death of both you and your spouse. 2
For full details on member benefits and eligibility requirements please visit
1 Description of member benefits that you may receive assumes you are a Foresters member. In the United States members may currently only be anyone insured under a life or health insurance certificate, or an annuitant under an annuity certificate, issued by The Independent Order of Foresters. If you are not an insured under a life or health insurance certificate, or an annuitant under an annuity certificate, issued by The Independent Order of Foresters, or are not a social fraternal member, then you are not a member. Foresters member benefits are non-contractual, subject to benefit specific Eligibility requirements, Definitions and limitations and may be changed or cancelled without notice.
2 Available to eligible members with an in force certificate having a minimum face value of $10,000 or if an annuity, a minimum cash value of $10,000 or a minimum contribution of $1,000 paid in the previous twelve months. Certificate includes an in force individual policy or annuity offered by The Independent Order of Foresters.
Community And Volunteering
Member Governance
Working within Foresters 50 Branches, the elected Branch Councilors provide strong local leadership, helping to guide and support Foresters impact in members’ communities. By participating in your local Branch, members can develop valuable leadership skills, connect with fellow members who share passion for community involvement and much more.
Community Grants Program
Members can access funds to organize and host their own local community volunteer activities and fun family events. It offers members special access to hands-on volunteer activities and complimentary events, including movie nights, amusement parks, sporting events, hands-on volunteering and other fun and family-friendly events.
Eligibility For Member Benefits
Foresters member benefits are part of your Foresters Membership and offer you and your family additional protection. Eligibility requirements vary by benefit. You, as an eligible member, can apply for member benefits as long as you meet the benefit specific requirements.
Benefits Package
There is one membership per family regardless of the number of Foresters in force certificates held or persons insured. Benefits packages are assigned by member household only, under the name of the first individual (including children under the age of 16) who is the insured or annuitant under a Foresters in force certificate within that household.
Who Is Eligible?
Foresters member benefits may be available to the following individuals, subject to benefit specific eligibility requirements:
- Primary insureds and annuitants under an in force Foresters certificate or rider and their immediate family members.
- Holders of an in force Foresters Social Fraternal Membership and their immediate family members.
- Junior members of Foresters (minors) are eligible for member benefits except in the case of community and member involvement events where the junior member must be accompanied to the event by his/ her parent.
- Benefits do not extend to parents and legal guardians of a junior member of Foresters.
- Immediate family members include the spouse and children, including children under the care of legal guardians who are the holders, insureds and annuitants described above. Benefits do not extend to individuals outside of the immediate family, such as siblings or other relatives, except in the case of the Competitive Scholarship which extends to grandchildren.
Social Members, Branch Community Members who are currently in a Branch Councilor role and Registered Non-Voting Members are only eligible for the Competitive Scholarship member benefits and Member Involvement and Community Investment events.
Definition Of Terms
- Children means the biological and legally-adopted children or step-children of an eligible member who are unmarried and under the age of 25 years, provided the eligible member is legally responsible for the financial support of such children at the time application for the benefit is made.
- Children under the care of a legal guardian means any children who are unmarried and under the age of 25 years, provided the eligible member has been appointed by a court as the legal guardian for the children at the time application for the benefit is made.
- Grandchild means a biological and/or legally adopted grandchild or step-grandchild under the age of 25 years, provided at least one legal grandparent is the eligible member at the time application for benefit is made.
- Grandparent means an eligible member who has one or more grandchildren biologically or through legal adoption or step-grandchildren.
- Immediate Family means the eligible member, his/her spouse and biological and/or legally-adopted children or step-children. In the case of the Competitive Scholarship, this is also includes biological and/or adopted grandchildren or step-grandchildren.
- Junior Member is a member in good standing who is insured under a certificate issued by Foresters and is under the age of 16.
- Legal guardian means a person who has been court appointed as legal guardian for the child/children, has financial responsibility for one or more children, and can legally act on the child/children’s behalf.
- Member means a person who is an insured or annuitant under an applicable in force life or annuity products offered by Foresters or its Canadian life subsidiary, or a holder of an in force Social Fraternal Membership, or one who is registered as a Non-Voting Member.
- Minor means those who are under the 16 years of age.
- Non-Voting Member is an individual who is under 16 years of age for whom an application for Foresters membership has been made and accepted and who is insured under an applicable in force life or annuity products offered by Foresters or its Canadian life subsidiary.
- Parent means a person who is biological, step- or adoptive parent of a child, and includes a person who, at the discretion of Foresters, is acting as the child’s parent (in loco parentis), or who is that child’s legal guardian.
- Single Parent means a person who is either widowed, has never been married, or is divorced or separated, and is the sole provider for the maintenance and support of his/her children. The determination of whether a Parent is a Single Parent will be at the sole discretion of Foresters.
- Social Fraternal Member means a person who holds an in force Social Fraternal Membership prior to June 13, 2001: A Social Fraternal Member pays annual dues and /or membership fees.
- Spouse means a person who is legally married or in a common-law relationship with the eligible member (common-law relationship means cohabitation in a relationship of some permanence continuously for at least two years).