
7 Reasons Why You Should Go Camping This Summer

By August 2, 2019 January 28th, 2021 Article
reasons why you should go camping this summer

By Martha Li | readersdigest.ca

When’s the last time you slept under the stars and cooked dinner over an open fire? You never know—you may just fall back in love with the great outdoors and turn it into an annual vacation!


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Escape the hectic city life

Why go camping? Well, unlike many other types of trips, it gives you the opportunity to literally do nothing for a weekend—or even longer. Once your tent and campsite is set-up, you don’t have to worry about cleaning, laundry, putting on your best outfit for an evening out, grocery shopping or any other tasks that seem to consume our everyday lives. And it’s a chance for you to turn off the smartphone, computer and other electronics to just sit back and relax.

Gain a newfound appreciation for Mother Nature

There’s so much beauty in the outdoors and we city folk rarely get the chance to appreciate it. From gorgeous mountains to freshwater lakes ideal for canoeing, kayaking and swimming, you’ll have your pick of outdoor activities to engage in. And when was the last time you laid on the grass, admiring a pitch black sky dotted with brightly shining stars? Look out for Orion, Ursa Minor, Ursa Major and other common constellations. You may even spot a falling star—don’t forget to make a wish!

Quality time with friends and family

Make it a rule to keep the electronic games and gadgets at home—or at least, ban them for certain periods of the day while on vacation. This will give your friends and family a chance to have some true quality time together whether it’s playing sports, cooking or simply talking to one another—without the usual distractions.

Have fun cooking outdoors

Cooking outdoors means even if you make a mess, there will thankfully be little clean-up to worry about afterwards. Another bonus: you can get away with eating less nutritious foods for a several days, such as hot dogs, hamburgers, and of course, every camper’s favourite—s’mores!

You can teach and learn new skills

Living outdoors gives you the opportunity to pass on some survival skills, as well as hone some new ones for yourself. After a camping trip, you’ll likely have learned how to build a fire and teach kids how to be safe around one, how to protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insects, as well as experience how many material possessions you really can do without.

Camping is a dog-friendly vacation

Pets are often permitted at camping facilities (verify this during the trip-planning stages), so there’s no concern of having to leave Fido behind with a pet sitter or in a kennel. Truly a vacation for the entire family!

Camping is affordable

When it comes to budget vacations, a camping trip is one of the most economical choices for a family getaway. Groceries can be bought ahead of time and once you’ve settled into the campsite, there’s no need to worry about purchasing more food, filling up the car with gas, buying souvenirs, or paying for tourist excursions. So if you’re looking for a trip that’s going to give you the most bang for your buck, get out there and pitch that tent. Happy camping!

By Martha Li | readersdigest.ca

The information contained is as of date of publication and may be subject to change. These articles are intended as general information only.

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