
Until what age can I get covered and what other questions should I be asking when looking to buy life insurance?

By August 10, 2017 September 23rd, 2019 Article
Until what age can I get covered and what other questions should I be asking when looking to buy life insurance


At Canada Protection Plan, anyone from 18 to 80 years can apply, including non-residents if they have a valid work permit. The length of your coverage depends on the duration of your policy. A term plan can range from 10 year term, 20 year term, or 25 year term in addition to a T100 (life) plan, or a permanent (whole life) plans.

Buying life insurance may not be an exciting or glamourous purchase, but it could very well be one of the smartest investments that you’ll make for your family’s well-being. Why should you think about buying Life Insurance now? Because the earlier you buy the lower the cost. Since we can’t turn back the clock, whether you have health issues or not, this could mean higher premiums for down the road. It’s also best to be prepared since we can’t tell the future! Investing in your family’s financial security today, allows you to take advantage of better rates. And if there are changes to your situation, say you were a smoker when you first applied and you later quit, or there are other improvements to your health, you can always speak with your advisor and see about revisiting your plan and the rates.

Get a no-obligation quote.
To learn more about Canada Protection Plan and our line of comprehensive No Medical and Simplified Issue life insurance solutions, call Broker Services at 1-877-796-9090 and we will be happy to assist you or put you in contact with Sales support in your region.

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Pour en savoir plus sur Plan de protection du Canada et sur sa gamme complète de solutions d’assurance vie sans exigence médicale et à émission simplifiée, communiquez avec les personnes-ressources des Services de courtage au 1 877 796-9090, qui seront heureuses de vous aider ou de vous mettre en contact avec l’un de nos soutiens aux ventes dans votre région.

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