
What kind of coverage? How do I choose between 10, 20 or 25 year term, or permanent coverage?

By August 9, 2017 October 23rd, 2019 Article
Choosing term or permanent coverage insurance


At Canada Protection Plan, we offer a wide variety of terms on our life insurance plans. What are your needs? Consulting a licensed advisor for a ‘Needs Analysis’ would provide the most accurate idea, but if you had to answer that question in 30 seconds or less, you should look at matching your financial responsibilities with your insurance. For instance, if you have a 25-year mortgage, you should consider a 25-year term, or decreasing 25-year term life insurance.*

Term coverage is ideal for situations where your insurance need may be for a specific amount of time– you know how long you require the coverage for, such as your mortgage, or perhaps a child’s education or some outstanding expenses. Most of our term plans can be renewed up to age 80.

On the other hand, permanent coverage (also known as whole life) provides you with lifetime protection. Your premiums never increase as long as you have this policy in place – no matter what changes to your health over your lifetime.

Our T100 plan provides the security of permanent coverage along with the price advantage of term. It’s the BEST of the two combined!

What if I am retiring and leaving my group life insurance plans? What options are there?

If you’re still working, you may have the option to convert to your company’s group plan. Find out how much this will cost you. If your coverage is non-transferrable, you may choose to supplement it or perhaps you may decide the time is right now that you are no longer covered by your employer to purchase a completely new Life Insurance plan. If you’re under 80 years of age, you may be eligible for up to $1 million in life insurance coverage.

* Interested in a 30 year Term life insurance plan? If you are between 18-50 and in very good health, Express Elite may be the right plan for you.

Get a no-obligation quote
To learn more about Canada Protection Plan and our line of comprehensive No Medical and Simplified Issue life insurance solutions, call Broker Services at 1-877-796-9090 and we will be happy to assist you or put you in contact with Sales support in your region.

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Pour en savoir plus sur Plan de protection du Canada et sur sa gamme complète de solutions d’assurance vie sans exigence médicale et à émission simplifiée, communiquez avec les personnes-ressources des Services de courtage au 1 877 796-9090, qui seront heureuses de vous aider ou de vous mettre en contact avec l’un de nos soutiens aux ventes dans votre région.

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