
4 Reasons Why You Really Should Eat an Apple a Day

By August 27, 2012 March 23rd, 2021 Blog, Consumer
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You’ve probably heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  But do you know why?  Apples are packed with tons of vitamins, nutrients, natural sugars and fiber that work to keep you healthy.  Here’s 4 reasons why you should eat an apple a day:

 They Wake You Up

Ditch your morning coffee and pick up an apple instead.  The natural sugar from the apple will give you the same energy boost, without that let down feeling that’s so common after coffee’s initial buzz.  That’s because the high fiber content in apples results in its natural sugars being absorbed more slowly into the system.

They’re Full of Vitamins & Nutrients

Apples are packed with vitamin A and C, and powerful antioxidants.  They also contain smaller amounts of iron, calcium and phosphorus.  A great source of potassium, eating an apple a day helps to promote heart health and also play a role in lowering cholesterol.  Eat the peel to maximize these benefits.

They Fight Cancer

Studies show that apples contain several compounds that restrict the growth of certain types of cancer cells.  Most of the good stuff is found in the peel, so you need to eat the whole apple to reap the full benefits of this super fruit.

 They Make You Smarter

One recent study from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell found that apples increase the production of acetycholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells.  This means that apples can enhance memory, and keep your brain sharp as you age.

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