Nurses step up, show up, and put themselves at risk to care for others every single day.
In 2019, there were 439,975 nurses helping patients across Canada have better health outcomes. May 12th is International Nurses Day, let’s celebrate nurses and say thank you for their compassion and tireless dedication. Whether they’re caring for you, someone you love, or are a cherished member of your family, these healthcare heroes deserve gestures big and small, so they know how much they are appreciated.
Here are five meaningful ways to say thank you to nurses:
1. Handwritten Note or a Card
A simple handwritten note or card can go a long way. If a nurse cared for you, then communicating your appreciation through writing can show them just how much they made a difference in your life!
These notes or cards can be sentimental keepsakes for a nurse that they can look back on for years to come. Leave the note at the hospital reception or if you get an opportunity, hand deliver it to the nurse directly.
If you don’t know a nurse personally, you can write to the hospital to share your appreciation to all nurses. Some hospitals have virtual appreciation boards to express your gratitude online.
2. Gifts
To show nurses how much you appreciate them, a gift can be a thoughtful gesture. The perfect gift for a nurse can be items or products that make long days and shifts seem a little easier, or brighter.
Compression socks or shoe insoles – Nurses tend to work long shifts and be on their feet all day. Compression socks or shoe insoles can help make their shifts more comfortable while working on their feet and helping patients.
Reusable water bottle or coffee cup – Given the demands of their job, nurses don’t always have an opportunity to slow down. Staying hydrated while on the job is critical, so a reusable water bottle could be a useful and environmentally friendly gift. A reusable coffee or tea thermos can also keep their drink warm during the periods between patients.
Hand cream – Nurses must wash their hands regularly to ensure patient safety and their own, often leading to dry, chapped hands. Gifting a nurse, a small tube of high-quality hand cream can help them keep their hands soft and healthy.
Restaurant gift card– Giving a restaurant gift card to a nurse can help you treat them to a well-deserved meal. Nurses need to refuel often during long shifts, or even when their shift is over. Purchasing a gift card from a local restaurant near the hospital allows a nurse to grab a quick bite when it’s convenient for them.
If you don’t have the financial means to purchase a gift for a nurse – consider entering giveaways or contests on their behalf (social media, community organizations, restaurants etc.).
3. Homemade Treats
What’s better than a treat made right in your kitchen? There are plenty of delicious treats you can make for nurses to express your appreciation. Flip through your old family recipes or tried and true favourites and provide some sustenance to sweeten the day of a nurse or team of nurses. Remember to be mindful of allergies and stick to nut-free options.
If you have the means, you can put together a gift basket of treats that they can share with other nurses on the floor. Some hospitals may have the option for you to sponsor a banquet, tea, or luncheon in honour of nurses.
4. Coffee/Tea
It’s no secret that nurses work long hours and night shifts. This can make their sleep cycles erratic and challenging. Therefore, a caffeine boost can give nurses the energy they need to care for patients during those late nights or early mornings.
It may seem like a small gesture, but a nurse may appreciate a steeping hot tea or coffee during one of their shifts. If you’re a patient or the family of a patient, you can grab a beverage from the hospital cafeteria.
Gift certificates to a local coffee chain are also an easy, always appreciated gift for nurses. Larger sums can be gifted to a clinic or the wing of a hospital, helping to pay for a bulk order of drinks for the nursing team.
5. Show Gratitude in Small Ways
There are small ways you can show gratitude to nurses especially if they’re caring for you or your loved one. You may interact with many nurses but taking the time to remember their names can be a small way to show your appreciation.
Don’t forget to say thank you to a nurse as they provide you with care. Being patient and co-operative can also go a long way to making nurses’ lives easier while they do their jobs. If you felt like a nurse went above and beyond to provide you with care, consider mentioning it to the head nurse or supervisor.
If your family member or close friend is a nurse, there are ways you can show your gratitude for the selfless work they do. Help plan activities to help them de-stress like taking them on walks, having an at-home spa day, or offering to help with child-care so that they can have an afternoon to themselves.
Nurses are unsung heroes of communities across the country; take the time to show your appreciation for all that they do to keep us healthy and safe. Try these five meaningful ways to say thank you, guaranteed to make the nurse in your life smile.
