
Be Happier Now: 5 Things to Stop Doing Immediately

By May 14, 2013 February 7th, 2021 Blog, Consumer
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The arrival of spring is the perfect opportunity for setting new goals and ditching old habits.  But you don’t need to wait for the warmer weather to start feeling better.  Being happier has a positive effect on your health – and your personal relationships.  Want to be happier today?  Stop doing these 5 things:

Trying to Impress People

The most genuine relationships are the most fulfilling, and you’ll only find those by being yourself.  Spending time with people who like you for you will make you infinitely happier then spending it with those who only like you for your clothes, your car, your house, or any other “things” that the real you is hiding behind.  Be yourself!

Blaming Others

Sometimes mistakes happen, but blaming others won’t make you happier.  Instead, take responsibility for whatever’s gone wrong and think about what you could do better next time.  This will help you to act smarter and better next time, and doing that will make you happier.

Criticizing Yourself and Others

Stop.  Just stop.  This is never going to make you happy.  Rather than comparing yourself to your friends and colleagues why not appreciate the differences.  Don’t think of things in terms of better or worse.  Remember that all people are unique – including you!  This will help you to see yourself and others in a better light.

Dwelling on Past Mistakes

Learning from your mistakes is incredibly valuable.  But once it’s happened, you have to let it go.  Only think about what went wrong long enough to understand how you’ll make sure it goes right the next time you’re in a similar situation.  This is a chance to learn something you didn’t know.  Once you’ve learned your lesson, move on. 

Worrying About Tomorrow

We’re all guilty of worrying about things that may or may not happen, things that we may or may not be able to do, or how people may or may not perceive us in a certain situation.  These are things that can’t be changed, so there’s no use in worrying about them is there?  Trust us, you’ll be happier if you put your reservations aside and jump right in.  Tomorrow will happen whether you’re ready for it or not.

Canada Protection Plan is a leading provider of No Medical Life Insurance. Call us today, toll free at 1-877- 851-9090 for your no obligation quote.

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