
Do You Have Insurance to Protect You in the Event of a Natural Disaster?

By December 5, 2012 March 23rd, 2021 Blog, Consumer
travel worry-free with insurance

After seeing the devastation caused by Sandy as the hurricane ripped through neighborhoods on the east coast of Canada and the United States, it’s hard not to think about whether your family would be prepared in the face of a natural disaster.  Would your insurance cover the loss of your home?  What would happen to your family should you suddenly pass on?

When disaster strikes, insurance can help assure that your family is financially cared for during their time of need.  That’s why it’s important for you to have the necessary policies in place to guarantee the protection of your loved ones.  Each insurance policy is different and plans can vary depending on your location, policy amount, and insurance company.  Therefore, the first thing we’d recommend is to review your insurance policies, or talk to your insurance company to determine the exact nature of your coverage.

What should you ask your insurance company about natural disasters?

First you will want to understand exactly what’s covered under your existing home insurance policy.  Since each policy is different, determine which (if any) disasters that you’re protected against.  For example, you could be covered against damage incurred in an earthquake, but not in the case of a flood.  In fact, flooding is usually not insured under standard policies.  Of course, even if you have natural disaster coverage you may want to confirm your deductible amount with your insurance company.

Don’t forget to prepare a home emergency kit.

According to the Canadian Red Cross, every family in the nation should prepare a home emergency kit to help them in case of a natural disaster.  For Canadians, that disaster could come in the form of a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, or flooding.  The goal of an emergency kit should be to get you through the first few hours of a disaster situation, as those are the most critical.  Suggested items include: a flashlight, extra batteries, first aid kit, extra car keys, cash, important papers, canned food, bottled water, an extra can opener, a change of clothing, shoes, blankets or sleeping bags, toilet paper, other personal supplies, medication and a whistle to attract attention.

Ensure you’ve got life insurance coverage.

Life insurance protects your family from the unexpected, helping to ensure they’re financially looked after should you suddenly pass on.  Whether you’ve got term life insurance or whole life insurance it’s important to be sure that you have enough coverage to help your family cover the cost of your funeral, pay off debts or pay for your child’s education.  When a natural disaster strikes, it could quickly turn deadly.  That’s why it’s vital that to take the necessary steps today to confirm the safety of your family, no matter what Mother Nature throws at you.

Canada Protection Plan is a leading provider of no medical life insurance.  Call now 1-877-851-9090 for your free, no obligation quote.

To learn more about Canada Protection Plan and our line of comprehensive No Medical and Simplified Issue life insurance solutions, call Broker Services at 1-877-796-9090 and we will be happy to assist you or put you in contact with Sales support in your region.

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