
Flu Fighters

By November 30, 2015 March 23rd, 2021 Advisor, Blog, Consumer
flu fighter

With winter here at our doorstep there may be an uninvited guest knocking… the arrival of cold and flu season.
According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, millions of Canadians suffer from the flu each year. A viral infection in the nose, throat and lungs, the flu is most commonly spread from person to person through the air – by coughs and sneezes – or by touch – think door handles, computer keyboards and other shared public surfaces.
However there are things that you can do to stay healthy and avoid the flu – while enjoying our great Canadian winters!

Here are four tips that will help you to stay healthy during cold and flu season.

  1. Wash your hands.
    Proper hand washing (and lots of it) is one of the best ways to kill germs that spread influenza. Wash your hands with warm water, and spend at least 10 – 20 seconds lathering both hands – particularly in between your fingers, under rings, and in the space between your thumb and index finger. If you’re in a public restroom, use a paper towel to turn off the tap.
  2. Get your rest.
    The average adult needs 7 – 8 hours of sleep per night. Without sufficient rest, your mood, memory, and physical health could suffer. Set a bedtime – and stick to it – to ensure that you’re getting plenty of rest. You’ll be rewarded with a positive outlook, and better overall health.
  3. Drink plenty of water & eat healthy.
    Drinking water helps your body maintain a balance of fluids – and makes it easier for your body to push the bad stuff out. It will also help to keep your skin looking healthy and your muscles energized. Maintaining a healthy diet with fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C is beneficial. Berries, particularly blueberries (even when previously frozen) have one of the highest antioxidants which can help fight off flu viruses. Spices, such as turmeric, cloves and cinnamon can also help the immune system. Garlic and onion contain compounds which may also have a direct antiviral effect.
  4. Stay active.
    Regular workouts are a great way to fend off the flu. Whether you hit the gym, or prefer a brisk walk in the outdoors, making time for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day can keep your health and build up your immune system. In addition, by working up a little sweat it can also help to release of toxins. A post-workout high could also improve your downtrodden mood.

Stay Home!
If you have the flu or cold – do your co-workers a favour and at stay home until the worst has passed and you are no longer contagious. Another benefit as noted in tip #2 by staying home you allow yourself to rest which helps in recovering. If you do happen to catch the flu, you should recover within 7 – 10 days. If your symptoms persist, visit your doctor.

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