
How to Find a Reputable Insurance Broker

By March 12, 2013 March 23rd, 2021 Blog, Consumer
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Understanding life insurance policies can be a challenge.  That’s why it’s necessary to find a broker you can trust. When searching for an insurance broker, you want to ensure they’re working with your best interests in mind, and are capable of explaining various life insurance policies in ways that are easy to understand.  How can you find a reputable insurance broker?  Read our tips below:

Ask Friends and Family

Asking people you trust about their insurance agents is a great way to discover reputable brokers in your area.  If a family member or close friend has been happy with a certain life insurance agent, there’s a good chance that you’d be happy with their service, too.  Don’t be afraid to ask around.

Do Research

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential insurance agents, do some research online to evaluate both the broker and the company they work for.  LinkedIn is a good place to start.  By reviewing the profiles of both the agent and the company, you’ll be able to get a feel for the types of insurance products they offer, their level of experience and how they work with their clients.  Select a few agents that you think would be good to work with, and eliminate the rest.

Schedule Meetings

Now that you’ve narrowed your list down to the most promising prospects, call each agent to schedule a meeting in person to discuss your life insurance needs.  Look for someone you believe to be trustworthy, but who also shows a keen understanding of the various types of life insurance, and a desire to identify products that meet your needs as an investor.  You want to find an agent that is able to clearly explain the difference between policies, and one who asks questions in order to learn more about what life insurance policy could be best for you and your family.

Know What to Watch Out For

Be wary of agents that focus on selling you a specific life insurance policy instead of focusing on your financial needs and goals.  A broker that’s overly aggressive, and doesn’t take your concerns or plans into account is likely not one that you’ll want to do business with.

Canada Protection Plan is a leading provider of No Medical Life Insurance. Call us today, toll free at 1-877- 851-9090 for your no obligation quote.

To learn more about Canada Protection Plan and our line of comprehensive No Medical and Simplified Issue life insurance solutions, call Broker Services at 1-877-796-9090 and we will be happy to assist you or put you in contact with Sales support in your region.

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