Stay active in and out of doors
Staying active helps you achieve and maintain a healthy outlook. There are lots of ways to stay active no matter how harsh the winter weather gets. On days when you can get outside, do it! Enjoy skiing, snowshoeing, and just throwing some snowballs around with the kids. Winter chores like shoveling the sidewalk also help you stay active—without overdoing it!
On days when going outside is a non-starter, no problem. It’s the perfect time to try a new exercise routine in the comfort of your own home. There are choices galore online from yoga to high impact workouts, or do some stair climbing or mall walking. Take the stairs at work, do some active housework at home, or play hide and seek with the kids. When you’re inside if you can, opt for rooms that are painted in pale colors that reflect the outside light, and sit near windows if possible.
Fuel up
A healthy diet gives you energy, improves your mood, helps you avoid putting on weight over winter, and boosts your mental acuity. Strike a balance between carbohydrates like potatoes and pasta and fresh fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants.
Have some fun with it
Rainy day activities you haven’t gotten to in months are perfect for this time of year. New craft projects, movies you’ve been wanting to see, and other indoor activities you haven’t had time for feel like treats and allow you to have some fun within weather-related constraints.
Stay positive and prepared
Remember, staying positive means being prepared mind and body for what’s outside your front door. In most cases that’s a matter of recognizing that nothing lasts forever, and winter is only a few months at a time! However, it can also mean taking care of business and being prepared for emergencies.
Take some time this winter to ensure your important papers are in order, and review your financial accounts and policies. Conduct an audit of your insurance coverage, making sure you have the right coverage for your needs, and updating your beneficiaries and other information. When you’ve finished the task, celebrate a job well done!
Get to the light
Some people may experience depressed moods in the winter months; this is called Seasonal Affective Disorder or seasonal depression. Even if your feelings don’t reach this level, many people feel that light therapy in front of a light box every day improves their mood during the winter months. Light boxes radiate light that is many times stronger than what you get inside your house or at work, and can mimic what you get on a sunny day.
Try something new
Staying active isn’t just for your body! Trying a new hobby or interest helps your mind stay active, and that’s just as important for maintaining a happy mood and positive outlook. Whether you’re interested in mapping out your family tree, knitting, taking an online course, learning to play bridge, singing, taking a dance or yoga class, or writing a blog, you can benefit from trying something new, focusing on it, and looking forward to doing it.
The winter months don’t need to drag you down. There are so many ways to stay positive and keep that sunny outlook no matter what it looks like outside. By staying active, eating right, getting enough outdoor time and light, trying new things, and being prepared for any contingency, even the darkest winter days can be cheery and bright for you.
If you’re hoping to start this year off right and want to get your insurance needs organized, we’re ready to help. Ask your advisor what may be the right plan for you or contact Canada Protection Plan at 1-877-851-9090 for more information or for a no-obligation quote.