
How You Can Help Your Child Get Good Grades this Year

By September 20, 2012 March 23rd, 2021 Blog, Consumer
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Whether they’re going back to grade school, high school, or university, every parent wants to see their child succeed – and getting good grades is the primary way we monitor their achievements in the classroom.  Though your kids may not want to admit it, (especially during their teenage years) as a parent you are one of the most influential people in their lives.  Therefore it’s important that you set a positive example and show that you value your child’s academic success.  So just what can you do to help your child get good grades this year?  Read our tips below.

Work Together to Define Expectations

Before the start of the school year, talk about the classes that your child is taking and let them know what’s expected.  Do they need to finish their homework before they can play with their friends?  Will there be a reward if they manage to increase their overall average in a subject that’s challenging to them?  Would a grade lower than a C lead to loss of privileges?  Working out reasonable expectations with your child early in the year helps to ensure there are no surprises come report card time.

Set Goals

In addition to defining your expectations, you should also be setting goals.  Again, these should be reasonable goals that are attainable with a little extra effort on behalf of your child.  If they’ve struggled at math, see if they can increase their average by half a grade level, from a B to a B+, or challenge your star-student to get straight A’s this semester.  Also consider setting smaller goals to be achieved on a monthly basis – for example, slow readers could try to finish one book each month, and then two, as their ability progresses.

Do a Little Everyday

Whether or not their teacher has assigned homework, encourage your child to spend a little time to learn something new everyday.  That could mean finding additional worksheets online to spend some extra time practicing subjects that are difficult, or having your child read books from the library on a topic or subject that interests them.  For some real bonding time – take them to a museum or gallery and let their imagination run wild.

Allow for Playtime

All work and no play… you know how that goes.  But did you know that students who perform better on fitness tests also perform better in the classroom?  Physical activity helps kids to burn off their excess energy, and allows them to focus better while at school.  It also results in increased blood flow to the brain, which helps with memory and concentration.

Link Personal Interests to In-Class Learning

There are going to be certain topics, interests and hobbies that your child gravitates to.  Look for ways to link these personal interests to what they’re learning in the classroom.  For example, if your child loves baseball, look for ways to tie in the game’s various numbers and stats to their math homework.  Not only will this help them to grasp concepts more quickly, it can also show them that learning can be fun!

Taking an interest in your child’s education helps them to understand that school is important.  Have you helped a child achieve success in the classroom?  Share your tips in the comments below.

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