
Living Happy & Healthy: 5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Mood

By July 30, 2012 March 23rd, 2021 Blog, Consumer
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Happiness is good for your health.  In fact, studies show that being happy is linked to stronger immune systems, and a longer life.  Not only are happy people better equipped to cope with stress, they also have more positive relationships at home and at work.   So come on get happy!  Here are 5 ways to instantly boost your mood:

  1. Get Outside: Sunlight can affect your mood in a big way – and not getting enough of it can leave you feeling tired and maybe even a little depressed.
  2. Get Moving: A little exercise can go a long way.  If you can’t make it to the gym, one study found that a short, 10-minute walk can be enough to increase energy levels and reduce stress.
  3. Listen Up: Your favorite song can instantly alter your mood for the better.  For best results, choose something that’s happy and upbeat.
  4. Get Social: Happiness is contagious!  Go for a chat with an energetic friend and have fun lapping up their positive energy.
  5. Get Organized: Unfinished tasks can really drag you down.  Start a to-do list and tackle what’s nagging you.  You’ll feel better once its complete – and crossing items off your list helps you to visualize the day’s accomplishments.

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