
Taking Great Strides Towards a Cure

By May 23, 2014 March 23rd, 2021 Blog, Consumer
travel worry-free with insurance

Every year, across Canada, families, friends and co-workers lace up their running shoes for the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis Canada. This year, Canada Protection Plan is once again proud to be raising funds, donating and walking on May 25th, 2014 as part of the Toronto Great Strides Walk. But what is Cystic Fibrosis and why should you get involved?

Cystic fibrosis is estimated to affect 1 in every 3,600 youth in Canada. It is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. The disease affects the individual’s lungs and digestive system, and eventually for the majority of patients causes death. There have been significant breakthroughs in the treatment and management of living with Cystic Fibrosis but currently there exists no cure.

You can help in the search for a cure by participating in Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Great Strides Walk. There are plenty of ways to help with walks being held across Canada. You can find a walk near you, sponsor a team, or volunteer to help out at the event.  To learn more about Cystic Fibrosis visit the Great Strides page. Please consider joining Canada Protection Plan, May 25th 2014 at the Toronto Zoo and visit our sponsorship page to make a donation for a cure.

To learn more about Canada Protection Plan and our line of comprehensive No Medical and Simplified Issue life insurance solutions, call Broker Services at 1-877-796-9090 and we will be happy to assist you or put you in contact with Sales support in your region.

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Pour en savoir plus sur Plan de protection du Canada et sur sa gamme complète de solutions d’assurance vie sans exigence médicale et à émission simplifiée, communiquez avec les personnes-ressources des Services de courtage au 1 877 796-9090, qui seront heureuses de vous aider ou de vous mettre en contact avec l’un de nos soutiens aux ventes dans votre région.

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