
The Best Way to Set (And Keep) Your New Year’s Resolutions

By January 2, 2013 February 7th, 2021 Blog, Consumer
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The New Year is the perfect time to reflect and set meaningful goals to improve your health and happiness.  Unfortunately, many of us fail to actually keep their New Year’s resolutions past January.  So how can you ensure that you’ll be one of the few who actually keeps their resolution well into 2013?  Take meaningful steps to achieve your New Year’s resolution by following our tips below:

Be Specific

Goals like “save more money” or “get healthy” don’t get you anywhere.  They’re too general, and therefore it’s too ambiguous as to whether or not you’re progressing towards your desired outcome.  Instead make your resolution specific.  Determine how much money you’d like to save, or how much physical activity you’re going to add to your daily routine in order to embrace a healthier lifestyle.  Visualize what success looks like, so you’ll know when you’ve achieved what you set out to do.

Take Notes

Once you’ve set your goals, write them down.  Be sure to also include the steps that you’ll need to take in order to ensure your goal is reached.  Without putting these manageable steps in place, your goal could seem out of reach.  However, by allowing yourself to accomplish small pieces of your goal one step at a time, you’ll be continuously motivated by your progress.

Tell Your Friends

Having a support network can really help when it comes to achieving your goal.  Share your resolutions with your family and friends, and encourage them to share their goals, too.  Check in with each other as often as you can to talk about challenges and how your goals are progressing.  Just be sure you’re sharing your objective with those who are consistently positive and supportive.

Make Time

Ensure you give yourself the time necessary to turn your resolution into a reality.  Set aside a set number of hours each week to work towards your goal.  For example, if you want to be healthier, schedule time to get outside for walks and head to the gym.

Stay Focused

Acknowledge that there are going to be times throughout the year when the thought of achieving your goals will seem overwhelming.  It’s these times that it’s the most important to keep your focus.  Understand that it’s normal to have these feelings, but don’t let them overwhelm you.  Get outside for a walk, meditate, or participate in a favorite past time to de-stress and get back on track.

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