The History of the Day and the Man
On February 14th in the third century CE a man was martyred. His name was Valentinus and he later became known as Saint Valentine. Historical records don’t provide a clear reason why he was martyred, but instead suggest several possibilities. One version of the story is that Valentinus was jailed and later executed for performing secret marriages to help men dodge the draft in Ancient Rome. In another version of the story, Valentinus was jailed for aiding Christians and then fell in love with the blind daughter of the jailer; in this version he cured her blindness so she could read his notes to her which were signed, “From your Valentine.”
Either way, although the connection to the flowers and chocolates we know today seems tenuous, the overall message of love and devotion is easy to see.
Patron Saint Valentine
One of the traditional cultural roles of saints is ostensibly to intervene in every day events for believers. If you are worried about a loved one fighting in a war and are a believer in saints, you might ask Saint Martin or Saint Gereon to intercede on your soldier’s behalf and keep him or her safe in battle.
Interestingly, Valentine is known to be the patron saint of epilepsy sufferers, beekeepers, happy marriages and engaged couples. He is also thought by many to be more generally associated with marriage and courtly love. If you are a believer you might petition Saint Valentine to protect your marriage or watch over your spouse and keep him or her from harm.
Make Your Celebration of Valentine’s Day Count
Taken in context, it’s easy to see how Valentine’s Day became devoted to love. More to the point, however, the connection between celebrating Valentine and love for your spouse and family is protection: keeping those loved ones safe from harm. You can certainly take a traditional approach – or you can also join the beauty and intrigue of the history and tradition with modern practicality and seek out protection for your loved ones this February.
Chocolates and flowers are lovely to give and receive, but let’s not forget that there is a true connection between love and planning for the future. Love for family members is the underlying reason most of us purchase life insurance policies.
So this year consider protecting your spouse and family even after you are no longer by their side. Investing in life insurance may seem drab on the surface, but it is an ongoing commitment motivated by love. And if anyone argues that you’re bursting the romantic V-Day bubble by making life insurance your “gift of love,” tell them the story of Valentinus and the tradition of protecting loved ones from harm.
As you’re planning your Valentine’s Day gift of security to your family, contact Canada Protection Plan at 1-877-851-9090 or speak to one of 25,000+ Insurance Advisors in your area to help determine which plan is best suited for your needs.